Tag: Experiments

  • invitation for nothing

    Experiments Some experiments for invitations for “2024 – the year of nothing”. This is an idea for an campaign for a book about doing nothing, with empty posts, newsletters and ads. December 2023

  • walk

    Experiment Instead of starting the day at my art residency at Het Bos with doing nothing, I started this day with a walk. Together with two other residents, I walked through the city to capture shapes, patterns and spaces. I wrote the following text (in Dutch): Verlopen Vergeten Vergaan Ver gaan om de lucht achterna…

  • unplanner

    Note & experiment Making an UNplanner to unplan your day (& life). July 2023

  • pieces of something

    Notes & experiment During my residency at Het Bos in Antwerp, I work in a very calm, empty and silent space. Instead of making Stukjes Niets (Pieces of Nothing) to create stillness in the public space, I now create Stukjes Iets (Pieces of Something) in the personal space. This makes the rest of the space…

  • empty residency

    Notes & experiments Starting with a two week art residency at Het Bos in Antwerp. I begin every day with 5 minutes of doing nothing, and write and draw about these experiences. July 2023

  • how to be less productive

    Notes & experiments Reading, writing and thinking about how to be less productive and decisive. Googling how to be less productive, without success. Apparently it’s not common to search for ways how to be less productive. September 2022

  • crumpling paper

    Experiment Crumpling, smoothing out and scanning the same paper over and over again. Seeing how the scanning app (of Evernote) tries to smooth it out, but fails to do so. December 2020 December 2020